Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Greed and Giving (8)

There are many people in America that have so much to give. It is a shame that many do not see their potential to better someone else’s life. The problem is that many become blinded by greed; they can only think about how to better themselves instead of being grateful for what they have and giving what they can spare. Americans should be more giving because most of them are taught to be greedy.

If Americans give more of their time, money, and love to those in need of it, they will become less greedy. When someone gives time to help some else, they become more flexible and more understanding of the other person’s needs. Neither money nor riches are required to give time to another person, and sometimes that is all that that person may need. Now, there are people who do have money to spare but they just do not want to give. Buying someone something that they need but cannot afford is an easy way to help someone who is less fortunate. It does not even have to be a big thing. If a person is hungry and does not have the means to get food, someone could buy that person a hamburger for less that five dollars; it is as simple as that. Love is the final thing that Americans need to give more of. Everyone can give love, a simple smile or conversation with someone who has no one else can bring happiness to them. This is what America has forgotten, they do not care about others happiness; they only care about their own happiness.

Americans should be more giving. Society teaches most Americans that being greedy is okay and what matters most is how much they have. “Bigger is better” has become the motto for many Americans, they are always trying to out do others with parties, houses, cars, and money. This greediness has corrupted many to the point where all they think about is how to get more and how to be the best. Greed has become an excuse not to give, people think that if they give up just a little of what they have, someone else will have more than them. It should not be this way, people should care about others and care about what their country is becoming instead of caring about their own personal pride.

Giving requires sacrifice, whether it be time or money. Many are not willing to sacrifice these things because they are greedy. The only way someone can stop being greedy is if they start giving more what they have to those who need it more than they do. Americans need to give more to counteract the message that they are being taught: it is ok to be greedy.


GibbsKid said...

America’s Greed Problem? Or not so much? (Qualified refutation)
Morgan Andrus has a good point; some people in America do not give to the less fortunate. But is it really greed that keeps them from doing so? This is probably only true for a small percentage of Americans. They have more than they need and all they want is more of it. But to say that these Scrooges make up most of the population is a bit of a stretch. Most Americans do give plenty of time and love, but many do not give money, but they probably have other motives other than greed.
Most people in America already give the time and love that Ms. Andrus mentions. Most every person in the student body of East Ascension gives time out of their day to help somebody else weather it be with their homework, class work, or just drama that happened over the weekend. There are even clubs and organizations such as National Honor Society and the Interact clubs that were founded to help with the community and those less fortunate than themselves. Ms. Andrus says that “[Americans] do not care about others’ happiness; they only care about their own happiness.” If this were true why would America have teachers, firefighters, police men, or people in the armed forces? None of these jobs offer much money, happiness, or glory to the people that do them. Most of these people do their jobs because they love the people they benefit when they do their jobs and love to see them happy.
Many Americans do not give away their money but greed isn’t the reason why. Some Americans are greedy but Ms. Andrus states that “greediness has corrupted many to the point Where all they think about is how to get more.” This means that she believes that greed is the main reason people have for not giving. There are many other reasons other than greed. Brooks and Dunn said that America is supposed to be the place where “you can dream as big as you want to,” and sometimes to make those dreams come true a person nedds to save up their money. Americans work hard for their money. So why should the people that do not work or try hard deserving to get free money handed to them when everybody in America has a chance to make their own money?
Americans are overall good people. Most of them would have each others backs in times of need. Most of them are unselfish with their time and love. Some may not give money but they may have a legitimate reason.

Kimber said...

Greed and Giving (Qualified Refutation)
In this world there are many different types of people: there are those who work there whole lives, those who do not care, and those who just do not succeed; so is it fair to call those who do succeed greedy? Throughout the paper Morgan Andrus states many claims. She claims that most Americans have too much money, and do not give enough away. She also claims that most Americans are blinded by greed, and only think of themselves. She claims that those who have money are not grateful for it, and that it is societies fault because “Most of them are taught to be greedy.” Throughout ones life a person strives to better them, they work hard, build their savings, and if they manage that it should not mean they are greedy.
Should it be that those who are financially stable have to take on the burdens of those who are not? Giving to charities and those in need is a great thing, but it is not a required deed. Morgan states, “there are people who do have money to spare but they just do not want to give,” though this may be true it is not there job. It is also hard to assume that people just do not want to give, those people may have plans for their money. Claming that all Americans with money only care about themselves just seems harsh. A person who can save their money should be able to enjoy that money.
Is wrong to consider "Bigger is better" if a person is able to afford better? Morgan claims "This greediness has corrupted many to the point where all they think about is how to get more and how to be the best." Therefore she is assuming that everyone with money only thinks about themselves, which is not true. There are several Americans who donate money and time to help others, though if someone does not have the time to give it does not mean they only think of themselves. She also states "Society teaches most Americans that being greedy is okay and what matters most is how much they have," but is it society's fault? No, society does not, society teaches Americans to value what they have. And to value what one has, they should be able to reward themselves with what they want.
It is not required for the wealthy to support the less fortunate. Those who are less fortunate are able to receive help from the government and other programs, they do not need the wealthy to help them. money well earned is money well spent, and it should be up to those who earn it, to decide how to spend it.