Sunday, March 9, 2008

Solar powered plastic plants (7)

Today it seems that people are always in a hurry. Trying to balance work, family, friends, and school; people tend to get lost and can’t see what is important anymore. Jack Johnson addresses this issue in his song relaxing song “Inaudible Melodies.” He tells every one to “slow down…you’re moving to fast, frames can’t catch you when you’re moving like that.” When someone is in a rush many times the things that they are doing don’t have time to register to them. They may not be able to see the outcome of their actions because they don’t have time to think about it. “Well dust off your thinking caps” is saying just that, stop rushing and start thinking. The fast, easy way is not always the best way to solve a problem. “Well shortcuts can slow you down,” meaning sometimes using the “shortcut” can cause more problems then just taking the time to do it right. Everyone has always heard that actions speak louder than words but Johnson uses a creative way to say the some thing “But in the long run we have found, Silent films are full of sound.” Silent films of course have no sound but the actions in the film still have meaning behind them.

If someone is always in a rush they may eventually become what they hated before, because they can’t see the impact of their actions. “And in the end we're bound, to rebound off of we” saying that when someone finally does stop and look at themselves they won’t be happy with the choices they have made. Johnson says “We are only what we hate” because if they don’t take the time to look at what they are doing they will become everything they once hated. According to Johnson everyone just needs to calm down and start taking in all life has to offer. Stop accepting substitutes for life, like fairy tales, and diamonds, and plastic plants instead of real flowers.

Personally I agree with Johnson. I too am guilty of rushing from place to place and it just wears down one’s ability to think straight. People should enjoy life and take the time to become the person that they want to be, not a stranger that they end up hating.