Monday, April 14, 2008

Kitty Go Fly(9)

I have a cat named Tio. The people that gave him to us called him Bid Head because his head was bigger than his body when he was a baby. Tio loves to play and catch birds. He sounds like a normal cat right? Not quite, he is accually a very odd cat.

The other morning I walked outside to leave for school, and what do I see? Tio sitting inside the bird feeder waiting for a bird to land in the bird feeder with him. Now of course all I could do was laugh. He looked so serious waiting for the birds, like he was accually going to catch a bird like that.

I can't decide if Tio is a smart cat or a dumb cat. He is smart because he figured out where the birds go to eat, but at the same time he is dumb because he is so big he scares away the birds before they even land.

Oh wait, it gets better. A couple of days after I saw him sitting waiting for the birds, I go outside and see him yet again in the feeder. Only this time is not watching for birds, this time he is curled up fast asleep in the feeder. I guess he got tired of waiting.


Mallory said...

i love tio =]]]

and kippy of course!