Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Golden Compass (12)

The movie, The Golden Compass, does not attack Christianity directly. If someone were to watch this movie without knowing that it was realted to religion I don't think that would come to mind. The magisterium reminds me more of a controlling government then a church. Even a government can become corrupt and try to take away freewill.

The writer of the story seems to be arguing that having an extremly controlling government is evil. The book is more geared toward the magisterium representing a church instead of a government, the movie does not make it clear exactly what the magisterium represents.

Philip Pullman says that his book does not attack Christianity nor does it promote atheism. "My point is that religion is at its best — it does most good — when it is farthest away from political power, and that when it gets hold of the power to (for example) send armies to war or to condemn people to death, or to rule every aspect of our lives, it rapidly goes bad. " He simply wanted to show that power corrupts even the best, "I think the qualities that the books celebrate are those such as kindness, love, courage and courtesy too... And the qualities that the books attack are cold-heartedness, tyranny, close-mindedness, cruelty," says Pullman.

There is no reference to God at all in the movie nor are they tring to over throw a God, the movie is simply a story.

Friday, May 16, 2008

After Highschool (11)

They say high school is the best time of your life. But many of us feel like our lives have not begun yet. Graduating is going to be one of the most exciting day of my life because I will feel free. I can not wait to go away to college. I am planning on going to Louisiana Tech in Ruston. I am probably going to live in a dorm for my first couple years then hopefully get an apartment close by. Because Ruston is four hours away my parents think that I just want to go there to get away from them; but honestly I just really like the school.

I am going to major in Engineering but still take classes in photography. I really love photograph and after I graduate from college I want to travel and take pictures of other countries. I would really love to have a job where I get to travel and do all my work on a computer. That way when I have a family I will be able to spend a lot of time with them. I'm not going to get married until after I am finished with college.

I really enjoy new experiences that is why I am looking forward to leaving. I can't wait to meet new people and learn new things.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Kitty Go Fly(9)

I have a cat named Tio. The people that gave him to us called him Bid Head because his head was bigger than his body when he was a baby. Tio loves to play and catch birds. He sounds like a normal cat right? Not quite, he is accually a very odd cat.

The other morning I walked outside to leave for school, and what do I see? Tio sitting inside the bird feeder waiting for a bird to land in the bird feeder with him. Now of course all I could do was laugh. He looked so serious waiting for the birds, like he was accually going to catch a bird like that.

I can't decide if Tio is a smart cat or a dumb cat. He is smart because he figured out where the birds go to eat, but at the same time he is dumb because he is so big he scares away the birds before they even land.

Oh wait, it gets better. A couple of days after I saw him sitting waiting for the birds, I go outside and see him yet again in the feeder. Only this time is not watching for birds, this time he is curled up fast asleep in the feeder. I guess he got tired of waiting.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Greed and Giving (8)

There are many people in America that have so much to give. It is a shame that many do not see their potential to better someone else’s life. The problem is that many become blinded by greed; they can only think about how to better themselves instead of being grateful for what they have and giving what they can spare. Americans should be more giving because most of them are taught to be greedy.

If Americans give more of their time, money, and love to those in need of it, they will become less greedy. When someone gives time to help some else, they become more flexible and more understanding of the other person’s needs. Neither money nor riches are required to give time to another person, and sometimes that is all that that person may need. Now, there are people who do have money to spare but they just do not want to give. Buying someone something that they need but cannot afford is an easy way to help someone who is less fortunate. It does not even have to be a big thing. If a person is hungry and does not have the means to get food, someone could buy that person a hamburger for less that five dollars; it is as simple as that. Love is the final thing that Americans need to give more of. Everyone can give love, a simple smile or conversation with someone who has no one else can bring happiness to them. This is what America has forgotten, they do not care about others happiness; they only care about their own happiness.

Americans should be more giving. Society teaches most Americans that being greedy is okay and what matters most is how much they have. “Bigger is better” has become the motto for many Americans, they are always trying to out do others with parties, houses, cars, and money. This greediness has corrupted many to the point where all they think about is how to get more and how to be the best. Greed has become an excuse not to give, people think that if they give up just a little of what they have, someone else will have more than them. It should not be this way, people should care about others and care about what their country is becoming instead of caring about their own personal pride.

Giving requires sacrifice, whether it be time or money. Many are not willing to sacrifice these things because they are greedy. The only way someone can stop being greedy is if they start giving more what they have to those who need it more than they do. Americans need to give more to counteract the message that they are being taught: it is ok to be greedy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Solar powered plastic plants (7)

Today it seems that people are always in a hurry. Trying to balance work, family, friends, and school; people tend to get lost and can’t see what is important anymore. Jack Johnson addresses this issue in his song relaxing song “Inaudible Melodies.” He tells every one to “slow down…you’re moving to fast, frames can’t catch you when you’re moving like that.” When someone is in a rush many times the things that they are doing don’t have time to register to them. They may not be able to see the outcome of their actions because they don’t have time to think about it. “Well dust off your thinking caps” is saying just that, stop rushing and start thinking. The fast, easy way is not always the best way to solve a problem. “Well shortcuts can slow you down,” meaning sometimes using the “shortcut” can cause more problems then just taking the time to do it right. Everyone has always heard that actions speak louder than words but Johnson uses a creative way to say the some thing “But in the long run we have found, Silent films are full of sound.” Silent films of course have no sound but the actions in the film still have meaning behind them.

If someone is always in a rush they may eventually become what they hated before, because they can’t see the impact of their actions. “And in the end we're bound, to rebound off of we” saying that when someone finally does stop and look at themselves they won’t be happy with the choices they have made. Johnson says “We are only what we hate” because if they don’t take the time to look at what they are doing they will become everything they once hated. According to Johnson everyone just needs to calm down and start taking in all life has to offer. Stop accepting substitutes for life, like fairy tales, and diamonds, and plastic plants instead of real flowers.

Personally I agree with Johnson. I too am guilty of rushing from place to place and it just wears down one’s ability to think straight. People should enjoy life and take the time to become the person that they want to be, not a stranger that they end up hating.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Writing (5)

I think my main problem when I am writing a paper is that I know what I want to say but I don't fully develop or explain my ideas. Sometimes my thoughts don't tend to flow together and so they just end ubruptly. I have a really hard time with spelling (not on the computer) and that effects the way I write also because if I can't spell a word I have to use a different word that might not be as powerful or strong. I think the only good thing about my writing is my ideas even if i can't put them together. I write fairly well but I know I can improve greatly.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

in·tel·li·gent (adj) (4)

Being intelligent isn't measured by how booksmart someone is. Really it is the ablity for someone to be able to solve problems. Someone who knows how to fix cars is intelligent in their work field. Common sence also comes into play because that is the ablity to solve everyday problems with hardly any effort. But how can you tell if someone is intelligent? Well really you can't say someone is intelligent without knowing what decisions they have made because if they make intelligent decisions then they are intelligent. With that said whether we like it or not lots of people who we don't like are/were intelligent. Like Hitler for example, he made intelligent decisions which got him to become the German ruler, but he also made unintelligent toward the end of the war which cost him his rule. It's all a matter of perspective but overall just because someone can't figure out an advanced trig problem doesn't mean that they can't figure out how to make a car go.