Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Writing (5)

I think my main problem when I am writing a paper is that I know what I want to say but I don't fully develop or explain my ideas. Sometimes my thoughts don't tend to flow together and so they just end ubruptly. I have a really hard time with spelling (not on the computer) and that effects the way I write also because if I can't spell a word I have to use a different word that might not be as powerful or strong. I think the only good thing about my writing is my ideas even if i can't put them together. I write fairly well but I know I can improve greatly.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

in·tel·li·gent (adj) (4)

Being intelligent isn't measured by how booksmart someone is. Really it is the ablity for someone to be able to solve problems. Someone who knows how to fix cars is intelligent in their work field. Common sence also comes into play because that is the ablity to solve everyday problems with hardly any effort. But how can you tell if someone is intelligent? Well really you can't say someone is intelligent without knowing what decisions they have made because if they make intelligent decisions then they are intelligent. With that said whether we like it or not lots of people who we don't like are/were intelligent. Like Hitler for example, he made intelligent decisions which got him to become the German ruler, but he also made unintelligent toward the end of the war which cost him his rule. It's all a matter of perspective but overall just because someone can't figure out an advanced trig problem doesn't mean that they can't figure out how to make a car go.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Knowledge. Truth. Beliefs. All connected but never can be fully understood. How can a mere human give their opinon on truth if they only know a fraction of what is true? We question our beliefs all the time because we can't be 100% sure of something that we believe. The reason for this is because some truths can't be proven... and thats where the chaos begins.

You believe what you have been taught to be true. Many seek truth through knowledge because essentially knowledge is the search for truth. You can say what you believe to be truth and it not be true, but that doesn't mean you are lying. Lying is when you say the opposite of what you believe to be true. And through the search for truth we may come upon some lies that we believe. Yet knowing the truth is powerful, but if no one believes you how much power does it accually retain?

Plato's vindiagram can never be filled in correctly by anyone who doesn't know everything that is true, because in order to place the beliefs in the correct circles you have to know every truth and everything that is not true. But in general it does make sense; somethings that you believe aren't true, somethings that you believe are true, you just don't know for sure, there are somethings you know for sure, and then still there are things you don't believe that are true.